
The Best Moment Award
by seasonsoflifeblog

Thank you Dawn @ for The Best Moment Award. Dawn is the most courageous, wonderful, uplifting, and tenacious person who is living her life with extreme chronic pain while still finding silver linings in everything.


Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech. It can be Blogged in writing or video recorded.
Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW list of people, blogs worthy of the award and winners notify them the great news.
THE SOURCE: What makes a good acceptance speech?

Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way.
Humor. Keep us entertained and smiling.
Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives.
Get an idea from the great acceptance speech. It can be compiled in
Display the award’s badge on your blog/website. It can be downloaded in


Oh my God, me? An award? I’m only writing this blog as a therapeutic tool to help me grow emotionally and spiritually as I get older! First and foremost I would like to thank my therapist, Laura, for opening up the doors in my heart that were closed due to to anger and hurt. She made me realize that you can choose to forgive and even love and value the people who have hurt you. It was a life-changing lesson. Laura also encouraged me to continue to write to express my feelings. I’d like to thank my mom, my husband, my kids, and a few special friends who continue to love me and encourage me despite my flaws.

Because this award is about best moments I’d like to say that the best moments are the times when you can connect deeply to some one else while being totally open and honest. Discovering the truths about a person enables the deepest connections possible and those are moments in my life that I cherish the most.

My “blog” is about the discoveries I am making about my self and my life while growing older. I am so happy to have touched a few people along the way.

I would like to thank my friend, my fellow chronic pain traveler, Dawn, whose courage and determination are an inspiration to me.

I am nominating 6 Bloggers who have made me feel their moments:

About Me

This is a HUGE Award on Word Press. I want to thank the 6 Bloggers I have nominated above for being by my side in my journey of learning while growing older. Each of you deserve this Award. Please check out each Blog of the 6 Bloggers I have nominated as each is one is simply amazing.


  1. findingmyinnercourage said,

    May 22, 2013 at 1:35 am

    You are too kind with your words about me. Thank you. I think of you exactly as you think of me! Are you sure we don’t know each other in real life? Wish we lived close to each other!

  2. lapetinaa said,

    May 22, 2013 at 1:40 am

    I’m not too kind; I’m honest. I love your soul. I feel like you live next door already but if you did you’d never get rid of me. Xxx

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